[The Lord says,] “As for the saints in the land, they are the excellent ones in whom is all my delight.”
“The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot. The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.” (Psalm 16)
What in this life is worth living for? The God of all creation, the One who breathed His very life into us, who picked the dust of the earth up in immense joy and compassion and extended Himself through His breath into every fiber of our being, and He called it good. Then He chased us, when we turned our back on Him He said, “not so fast!” He kept chasing us even when we did not acknowledge Him, no husband would do that for His wife, except our God! He comes to us and says, “what wrong have you found with me?” In what way has He been unfaithful? Go ahead speak it forth! You are using the very breath He is now giving you to make that accusation!
In all the world there is no one like our God. He came and allowed us to pin Him to a cross, as a symbol of our growing kingdom, our own power. But I will tell you! He will not stay silent for long. There is a day coming when He will shout! He will one day have the last word, not kings, judges or the business men of the earth, your creator, He will have the last say.
It is that God, that David takes comfort in. The Lord, He, is our portion, our joy in this life. For those who love Him and call upon His name, they have a beautiful inheritance coming to them. And God takes joy, all His delight, in those who love Him. Those who are His children, take joy. God is our delight, our gift, our everything. All pleasure is at His right hand (Ps. 16).
There is not one like Jesus, our God. Take joy today if you are His child. If you love Him, be happy, because it is you who is blessed.