
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

In my last post I wrote about Zechariah’s encounter with and angel, and how God restored a dream that he had given up on a while ago. I ended with a promised follow up of how God is doing that in our life right now.

5 years ago Sarah and I were engaged in college with plans beginning to form around going to the mission field. We had just got accepted with Adventures in Missions to be missionaries in Cambodia. We had dreams about working with women working in the sex industry. We were looking back on a lot of success in college ministry where we had started a house of prayer that had sizable impact on the student body.

We were excited about those two things. Fast forward 5 years to now and looking back at our time in Guatemala, Cambodia and Georgia I had realized we had let go of those dreams. There were some shifts in our minds about what ministry needed to look like, and even how to pursue God.

There are moments where God does something new and as a result your perspective shifts. As perspectives shift a disequalibration occurs and you don’t know what to do with some of beliefs you used to be so confident about. All of that is okay and a part of the growing pains, but as a result some times dreams can be left aside like puzzle pieces that seemingly don’t fit any more.

For us, there were two puzzle pieces. Those were ministry among women in the sex industry and prayer ministry. As we have said yes to joining the Adventures Cambodia Base Team it seems these two pieces are finding place again. We are interested to see exactly how they fit, but we are excited! God is breathing life and hope into old dreams and we are in high anticipation for what He is going to do with them.