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God is changing my perspective on life and what He is doing in the world. He is always giving us good things. He cannot give something that is bad because He only has good within Him. He has no other source to draw from. Everything He has is life-giving. Therefore, He cannot give us anything bad.

Sometimes He gives us things without it costing us anything. Sometimes it is those gifts that are the hardest to cherish. If something has been given to me for free, without any cost to me, it is harder to know how much it is worth. However, if there is a cost to me in order to receive something, I have less in my wallet, but I made the decision that having less in my wallet is okay because what I obtained is actually more valuable; otherwise I would have spent my money elsewhere. Make sense?

Sometimes He gives us things at a cost to us, and those are the best gifts sometimes. What are the gifts in your life that you have not obtained because they cost you too much? Perhaps I can flip the table for you? Is it maybe that God is giving you something, and you don’t see the true value of it?

I am the type to look at an item on the shelf and look first at the price. I can be a cheapo sometimes. But God is changing my perspective. Now I am asking, what is the value here. Is it worth the cost?

Jesus on the cross didn’t have his eyes on the blood pouring from His wounds. He had His eyes on the people. Father, forgive them He said! He smelled the perfume of the sacrifice of Mary two nights before, and it was the scent of worship. Worship form the nations rises up like incense to heaven. He saw us, and the cross was worth it to Him. He looked at the Father and gave up His Spirit because it was the Father who was His great reward.

What’s God bringing you into? He is giving you something good, something valuable! Instead of looking at the cost, keep your eyes on Him, the one who has no price tag. He is worth every bit of our blood, sweat and tears. He is good!