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The book of Revelation is probably my favorite book. I mean, The Spirit speaks to me through certain books at certain times, (currently the Lord is using the Song of Solomon) and I have seasons when I love different books. However, Revelation has been prominent throughout these last eight years in a significant way, influencing me to love Jesus more. The Book of Revelation has brought me much joy, confusion, freedom, and love for Jesus in a way I don’t think any other book has. If there was a book to rival it, it would be the Gospel of John. 

It is very sad that the book of Revelation is probably (in my opinion) the most misunderstood book of the Bible by people in general. I can’t even count how many times when the book of Revelation is mentioned that people comment in fear of how the book is weird, confusing, and doom and gloom.

Lets start with the title. The full title is, “The Revelation of Jesus Christ.” Within the title is the purpose. The point of John writing is to share the vision he had, and to encourage the church. The book is about Jesus. It is about His leadership, His character, and His mind more than it is about certain events.

I could go on about how beautiful and liberating it is to read this book, but that would take more than I am willing to write right now, and probably more than you are willing to read. I will try to keep it concise. I promise.

This book is about the final physical fulfillment of what Jesus prayed when He prayed “your kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven.”

If you look at the book, it is almost like a movie. From Revelation 4 on, the scene switches from earth to heaven. For instance chapters 4-5 depict what is happening in heaven that sets the scene for what starts happening on earth. Chapter 6 then shows God releasing His judgments on earth.

Side note: What God is doing actually strips the men of the earth from the things they are clinging to that are not Him (these include world peace, oil, wine, health, etc…). These things are not actually evil things, except when God is replaced with them is when they bring death. And God is jealous for all of their heart, mind and soul, and wants to bring life to His creation. (Don’t forget that we were dust when God breathed life into us) … now back to what I was saying.

The book continues like a movie showing the events in heaven and the events on earth until Revelation 19 when Jesus brings heaven with Him. Revelation 19 is the climax with Jesus and heaven following, throwing Satan and those who follow him out from the earth.

The whole time up until heaven comes to earth, the earth and the people in it go through a shaking. In other words, a preparing to receive heaven and the King. Hebrews 12:25-29 describes earth shaking to remove everything that can be shaken because “our God is a consuming fire.”

But if our God is a consuming fire of passion for us, if He is jealous for all of our hearts, if He is a God of mercy and slow to anger, why is it that He unleashes 21 judgments on the earth before He comes?

That’s the thing, He released 21 judgments not 1. He will give the earth 21 different chances during that time to change their thinking and come to Him, not 1, 21. I don’t know any parent that gives 21 different warnings before they act. Maybe 2 or 4, but 21? Our God is full of passion and love for you and wants you, and He is more than willing to wait and be patient.

The Book of Revelation is about Jesus’ and His Father’s heart for the people He has made. He desires to dwell with us, have heaven and earth together. He wants to wipe every tear, (Revelation 21:4) make all things new, (Revelation 21:5) quench our thirst, (Revelation 21:6) and He wants to live among us.

The Book of Revelation is beautiful, liberating, and full of hope. It is about about God who chases the ones He loves, cares enough to discipline, and brings forth justice for those who are oppressed. He is our King, Lover, Bridegroom, Judge, and Rescuer all in one book.

God is good!