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Thoughts & Inspiration

So, it has been awhile. It really has not seemed like it has been a long time since we last blogged, but when I look at the last post, it has been a while. It just does not feel like a while. Things have been a whirlwind lately. When I say lately, I mean this last year, and I mean these last few months. It has almost been 3 months since we moved to Cambodia. It sure does not feel like 3 months.

I am going to be a little more honest in this post. After all, this is a blog…

I don’t know how many mornings I have woken up wondering what in the world are we doing here?

Why am I so tired all the time?

We have ideas upon ideas of what God has for us here in this city 8,664 miles removed from home, but no idea of what house He is actually building.

Our daily/weekly goals we set seem pointless because we usually don’t meet them.

Sometimes our AC doesn’t work.

The Tylenol for my headache is not working this morning.

We have very few friends here.

The cultural differences here are no longer new and exciting. Cars driving the same direction on both sides of the road no longer phase me. But now what phases me are the questions/comments we get from people that if asked in the states would be considered mockery or mean. While they might not realize it, and they are very sincere, it still feels hurtful.

We miss home, and the familiarities that come with it.

Finances have been the tightest in our marriage than ever, but at the same time I know Cambodians here that live off of less than 200 a month. It kinda makes me feel silly, and frivolous.


I could end this post with ways on how God is so good (and He surely is good!). Or I could even go into what He has been teaching us about Himself and trials, lifestyle, etc… But I am not going to do that. We like things in a nice picture. We don’t like to leave the hard things as just hard things.

But I am going to be unChristian here and let these things just be…

Thanks for listening, being our advocates in prayer before the Father, and the much needed support all you readers have been to us.

Much love,
