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I read this book a few months ago. I should actually say I listened to the book since it is an audio book. The book is titled, "Jesus Killed My Church." It is Randy Bohlender's first hand account of his church plant and how Jesus killed it. It is different than most books about church planting because it is about what many would see as failure in the sense of church planting. I would highly recommend it.

However, in his retelling of the account he explains what he learned through it all. He said it was like a father (God) watching his child build a sand castle, knowing that the castle itself does not matter, but the process was good for his development. I LOVE THAT PICTURE.

It is so true. God further developed this picture in my mind. It is not just church planting or ministry in general that is like us building a sand castle. Life is like us building a sand castle with our Father. The next day the castle probably won't be there. Either the waves of life topple over or other kids come along and stomp on it. Or the wind has its way.

In the end our time we spend with Papa is what remains. Our ministries, accomplishments, our reputation on this life are all very nano in the grand scheme of things. At most our names might be fading on the pages of a history book.

What matters is our relationship with God.

Is your work, accomplishments, ministry, or your name really that important?