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Have you ever thought of why we should do what God tells us to do? I mean, we know it is right to do what He tells us, but why? Me writing this is the product of something premature going on within me. Maybe by the end of this blog it won’t be.

About three years ago I couldn’t shake the question that many of us have asked, “Would God send people to hell if they have not had a chance to hear about Him?” Part of that question comes from our American cultural theological paradigm, but I won’t get into that. You can read about me processing the weight of that question HERE.

Today, God plopped into my lap another answer to that question. He pulled out a Scripture I have tucked away for a few years. In Ephesians chapter 3 verse 10, Paul writes,

“… so that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might be made known to the rulers and authorities in heavenly places.”

Let me give you a minute to ponder that one, maybe even read the context of chapter 3 if you would like.

What is Paul talking about here? The question I originally asked when I first read this was, “what do the rulers and authorities in heaven actually not know about God? And is Paul actually saying that we (the church) are the very means that reveal the wisdom of God to them?” How often have you heard that from the pulpit? Let me think back to my days in theology class and recall if I have a category to fit that in…

Paul is saying here that the church, in other words, the believers, you and I, reveal the manifold (another word for everlasting) wisdom of God to those beings in heaven. What is it that we have that is so powerful to reveal God to the ones who minister before Him day and night? We are image bearers, and God has a plan for us.

When we come into alignment with what God has called us to do we are fulfilling the purpose that only we can fill. Earlier in Ephesians Paul writes this,

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (2:10)

Some times we act like we are his plan B. Maybe it is easy to think that God calls us to do things because He just wants to make sure we are included in His plan, like we are sitting over there in the corner and He just wants to make sure we feel like we are contributing. 

When you have a choice to make of whether to obey God and do what He has called you to do or not, do you realize that you are His plan A? There is no plan B. He put all His eggs in one basket. The rest of the world misses out when you don’t obey God.

He has a plan and place for us in this world and it is not just about you. It is about the rest of humanity. If the higher ups in heaven get revelation about God when they see you, how much more opportunity is there for your neighbor down the street? Or that widow in Djibouti? Or the numerous villages in Stung Treng, Cambodia that have little to no chance of hearing about their Maker?

The fact that God has an assignment for you, and the weight that hangs on that assignment puts the question, “would God send to hell those who have never had the chance heard about Him?” into a lot clearer of a perspective.

That fact that our world does not know about Jesus is more in our hands than we realize. The ball has been in our court for 2,000 years now. I see God at a poker table putting all His chips in the center, and when I look at His hand I see our faces.

What it boils down to is this. We need to do what God tells us to do because it is His plan A for salvation in this world. Through the church God is revealed. God doesn’t provide any other option. Let’s sober up and realize people’s lives are at stake. 

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