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I just recently discovered a blog. I think I will try to read it more consistently. The blog is written by a man named Randy Bohlender. He wrote a couple books, neither of them have I read, and he is kind of a spokesman for adoption. I think he started an adoption agency actually. He writes well, and I resonnate with what he says.

I have noticed that in certain seasons I jive with the wisdom of some more than others. I think God places timely people and/or influential thinkers in my path when I need them for a season, some for more than a season. I think Randy Bohlender might be someone for me to tune into for this season of life.

Anyways check out this recent post by him. He writes about the difference between God's commands and God's invitations. I have been coming to the realization that in my earlier years with the Lord I did not have the spiritual understanding to recognize the invitations of God, and now, well, for the last couple years, when the Lord has "invited" me to do something or go somewhere, it has been odd to me. I had trouble understanding this side of the Lord that I had never seen before. Like, the Lord could actually invite us to do something? Like we could turn down His invitation and still be walking in obedience?

Randy explains it in a good way here:

I hope it blesses you and brings clarification as it did for me 🙂
